Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Inter-hood adoption!

We are so thrilled to announce that the first inter-hood adoption out of Lemon Creek has been finalized! Mia Grimm, an infant at the Lemon Creek Orphanage, will be adopted the day she transitions into a toddler. 
Parker Tate, prospective Mayor for Ashby Falls has moved the Rivera family with his effort to become a parent again. His rocky past was taken into account, but it was determined that Parker is a changed man and any child would be proud to call him Dad.

This is a picture of the nursery Mia will be living in, provided by Parker Tate. She will have much more space than was available at the Orphanage. (Thanks to Ashby Falls for the picture!)

This just goes to show the great things that two hoods working together can accomplish. We can't thank Parker Tate and the rest of Ashby Falls enough!


  1. I think there is a family in Jubilee Hollow that would love to adopt a child! Do I have to send the info to that email adress, or can I do it on here? Also, you can bring the Cleaner Town Foundation to Lemon Creek if you wish. Did you look on the link on "Going Green"? It will tell you more about the program. If you decide to become a "Cleaner Town", you should make a post notifying that you are. Contact me if you have any questions.

    Good luck to Ashby Falls and your new child!

  2. It's so nice to read that Parker Tate has found a child to love and raise again. I'm impressed that Lemon Creek will allow him that opportunity.

  3. We would much prefer to do this through email because it is more private and it is easier to tell if you've gotten a response. If there is absolutely no way you can do this through email, then I guess we can make an exception.
